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Your Guide to Gaudi and his Collaborators in Catalonia

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La Sagrada Familia - The Holy Family

Gaudi’s most famous architectural work

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Art Nouveau in Europe

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About Gaudi

Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) was a renowned Spanish architect known for his unique and highly individualistic designs. His work was greatly influenced by forms of nature and is characterized by the use of curved lines, vibrant colors, and unique details and shapes.

Gaudí was part of the Catalan Modernista movement, which was somewhat related to Art Nouveau, but the architect’s distinct style set him apart from other artists of the era.

Gaudí was born in the Catalonia region of Spain. He studied at the Barcelona Higher School of Architecture, graduating in 1878.

Gaudí’s designs were inspired by the patterns and shapes he observed in nature. He is known for his use of hyperboloid structures, parabolic arches, and helicoidal columns. He used a technique called trencadís, where waste ceramic pieces are used to create decorative, mosaic-like facades.

His magnum opus, the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, remained incomplete at the time of his death. Gaudí spent the last years of his life dedicated to this project. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, it was still under construction and is expected to be completed by 2026, the centennial of Gaudí’s death.

Some of his other significant works include Parc Güell, Casa Batlló, and Casa Milà (also known as “La Pedrera”), all of which are located in Barcelona. These works are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, recognized for their exceptional cultural significance.

Gaudí died in 1926 after being hit by a tram. At the time of his death, he was not widely recognized outside of Spain, but his fame has grown posthumously. Today, his works attract millions of visitors every year.

Gaudí’s work continues to inspire architects and designers worldwide. His creative genius and innovative methods have left a lasting legacy in the world of architecture.

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http://www.sagradafamilia.org/en/ – The Sagrada Familia official website

https://www.lapedrera.com/en/home – La Pedrera – Casa Milà – official website

https://www.parkguell.cat/en/ – Parc Guell official website

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