Joan Rubió i Bellver: Roviralta House (El Frare Blanc)

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Joan Rubio i Bellver

Basic information

Location: Avinguda Tibidabo, 31 Barcelona
Qualification: xxx (3 on 5)
Present condition: Good / Inside: Good, with some changes to adapt the house to present functions.
Visits: The house is at present an excellent restaurant, offering the possibility to visit the house interior, together with an excellent meal.
Ruta del Modernisme

History and description

Designed by Joan Rubió i Bellver and built between 1903 and 1913. The house Roviralta also known as El Frare Blanc is a big beautiful house located in the “high” part of Barcelona.
The building is a family house. The ideas of Rubió i Bellver are very clear in that house with a traditional structure, remembering in some aspects the style of Puig i Cadafalch but showing the Rubió i Bellver originality specially on the roof with an special fancy shape.
The façade is made in white stucco to contrast with the windows in brick.
The design of interior is based on structural concept and the ornamentation is simple. Unfortunately, the transformation of the house in a restaurant imposed some changes in the internal structure, nevertheless the basic had been maintained.
The building show a fancy aspect in the nights when it’s illuminated. This is a recommended spectacle to see from the Avinguda Tibidabo.


Other works

of Joan Rubió i Bellver:
In Barcelona: Arc bridge of the Generalitat Casacuberta House Manuel Dolcet House Macari Golferichs House Isabel Pomar House Rialp House Roviralta House (El Frare Blanc) Foment de la Pietat Church Industrial School
In L’Alforja: Mas d’en Perdiu
In Campdevànol: Hospital
In Igualada: Asylum of Sant Crist
In Santa Coloma de Cervelló: Houses of Colonia Güell: Ca l’Espinal Cooperativa
In Raïmat: Caves Raventós
In Reus: Serra House Serra Villa
In Ripoll: Chapel of Sant Miquel de la Roqueta
In Sant Feliu de Codines: Puigdomènech House