Manuel Jaoquim Raspall i Mallol (1877-1937)

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Manuel Jaoquim Raspall i Mallol


 In Barcelona:
Helius Villa

In L’Ametlla del Vallès:
Town hall and Schools
Cal Barber
Can Bachs
Can Millet de Baix  

House-cafè of Dr. Bassa
Moncau House
Flight of steps and garden of the Church

In Caldes de Montbui:
Broquetas Spa

Samsó House

In Cardedeu:
Clavell House
Gual House (Montserrat Villa)
Esbarjo parroquial
Viader Farm
Ramón Ricós Villa
Amadeu Borràs Villa

In Granollers:
Clapés House

In La Garriga:
Ambrós House
Blancafort House

(S/Ramon Pascual 48)
Bosch House
(Passeig 97)
Colom House (Passeig 38)
Colom House (Passeig 39)
Fages House
Font House
Llorens House  

Mayol House
Puig House

Reig House
Roqué House -Villa Cristina-

Sallent House
Sellarès House
Serra i Dachs House
(C/Sant Ramon, 8)
Serra i Pons House
Vilar House
Calls-Vilar Houses

Houses of Passeig nº  1,3, 5, 7,17, 48
Illa Raspall
House Barbey
House Barraquer
La Bombonera
Iris Villa  

Dolores Villa

In Vic:
Carme Collell
House (Serratosa)


Born in Barcelona on 24 May 1877.
During his architecture studies in the University of Barcelona, he was the pupil of Lluís Domènech i Montaner, who exerted a major influence on his work, especially in the Art Nouveau Villas built by Raspall in various places in Vallès Oriental region, not far from Barcelona.
Raspall i Mallol graduated from the Escola d’Arquitectura de Barcelona as architect in 1905 .
His first work was the reconstruction of his mother house – Can Raspall – in La Garriga.
In 1905, he began his career as municipal architect of Cardedeu, and later held the same position in the towns of l’Ametlla del Vallès, La Garriga, Granollers, Caldes de Montbui, Montmeló and La Roca.
Raspall was an architect with a very diverse output, building factories and warehouses – Viader Farm in Cardedeu – as well as family residences, traditional houses (masies) or summer residences – Alqueria Cloèlia in Cardedeu, Helius Villa in Barcelona and Iris Villa and La Bombonera in La Garriga.
Typical characteristics of Raspall constructions are the use of stone in their façades, bricks to outline shapes, trencadis (broken ceramic pieces) and ceramics to add color to façades, benches, fireplaces and columns. Forged iron is also common to embellish his Art Nouveau buildings.
The first style Raspall used for his buildings was Art Nouveau, but he later evolved into Noucentisme (The style following Art Nouveau in Catalonia) and finally Art Deco in his last works.
Manel Joaquim Raspall i Mallol died in La Garriga (Vallès Oriental), on 15 September 1937.


on Manel Joaquim Raspall i Mallol

Title of book Author Published by Year
Raspall:arquitecte (1877 – 1937)
Pruden and others
General del Modernisme
Toujouse, Valentí

/ Bassegoda Nonell, Joan
de la Reial Càtedra Gaudí, Barcelona
general el Modernismo
Toujouse, Valentí / Bassegoda Nonell, Joan
del Serbal, Barcelona, ISBN 84-7628-491-8