Walking through Art Nouveau in Sitges

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Sitges, Walks - Art Nouveau

Plan of Sitges

(Red and Blue circles are the location of following works):


Architect Juli Batllevell i Arús:
12 Villa Subur

Architect Francesc Berenguer i Mestres:
37 Garraf Cellar (Not on plan) (Together with Gaudí)
38 La Pleta  (Not on plan)

Architect Gaieta Buigues i Monrava:
9 Bonaventura Blai House (Vil·la Avelina)
23 Market

Architect J. L. Calvo:
13 Villa Havemann
(Together with Dom?nech i Estapa)

Architect Josep Domenech i Estapa:

13 Villa Havemann
(Together with J. L. Calvo)

Architect Josep Font i Guma:
35 Hospital

Architect Antoni Gaudí i Cornet:
37 Garraf Cellar(Not on plan) (Together with Fc. Berenguer)

Architect Josep Maria Martino:
11 Villa Remei

Architect Bernardí Martorell i Puig:
18 Joaquim Duran i Barraquer House

Architect Ignasi Mas i Morell:
16 Bartomeu Carbonell i Mussons House

Architect Gaiet? Miret i Raventós:
20 Gorgas House
31 Simó Llauradó House
32 Marina Planas House

Architect Josep Pujol i Brull:
1 Pere Carreras i Robert House

Architect Eduard Mercader i Sacanella:
2 Antoni Carreras i Robert House 

Architect Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia:
33 Isabel Ferret Martorell House 

Architect Jaume Sunyé i Juncosa:
34 Josep Mirabent i Gatell House

Architect Francesc Rogent i Pedrosa:
27 Cau Ferrat

Architect Salvador Vinyals i Sabater:
30 Francesc Robert Yarzabal House

Engineer Miquel Utrillo i Morlius:
26 Maricel

Unknown Architects:
7 Manuel Planas i Carbonell House
8 Joan Robert i Brauet House
36 Cemetery; (Not on plan)


Sculptor Josep Reynés i Gurguí:
25 Monument to Dr. Robert
28 Monument to El Greco

Specific Bibliography

on Art Nouveau in Sitges

Title of book Author Published by Year
Arquitectura de Sitges (1800-1930) Coll Mirabent, Isabel El Centaure Groc


The “Americanos” Architectural Trail Coll Mirabent, Isabel Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Sitges


Sitges at the time of Modernisme Coll, Isabel / Jou i Andreu, David Ag?ncia de promoció Turística / Diputació de Barcelona / Institut d’Edicions