Walking through Art Nouveau in Caldes de Malavella

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Caldes de Malavella, Walks - Art Nouveau

Plan of Caldes de Malavella

(Blue numbered circles are the location of the next buildings – click on it or in the next list to see the buildings and to know its history and descriptions):

Architect Isidre Bosch i Bataller:
  2  El Casal

Architect Gaieta Buigues i Monrava:  

  3  Vichy Catalan Spa

Buildings master Josep Deulofeu i Floriach:
  4  Perxachs House
  5  Quintana House

Buildings master Ramon Vinyals i Guitart:
  6  Villa Rosario (ground floor)

Buildings master Joan Vinyals i Sola: 
  6  Villa Rosario (first floor)

Unknown architects:

  7 Doctor Furest, 16 Avenue House 
  8  Bell Estar House
  9  Pla i Deniel, 15 Street House
10  Pla i Deniel, 16 Street House
11  Estapé or Rosa House
12  Manegat House
13  Mas i Ros House
14  Matheu House
15  Motll? House
16  Pla i Deniel House
(Annexes and bower)

17 Punxes House
18  Torre del Cavalls(Horses Villa)