Cesar Martinell I Brunet (1888-1973)

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Cesar Martinell I Brunet


-Bodega Agricola de Les Cabanyes
-Cooperativa Agricola de Rocafort de Queralt
-Cooperativa Agricola de Vila-rodona
-Patronat Catolic de Sant Pere Claver de Verdú
-Sindicat Agricola d’Aiguamúrcia
-Sindicat Agricola d’Alió
-Sindicat Agricola de Barberà de la Conca
-Sindicat Agricola de Cabra del Camp
-Sindicat Agricola de Ciutadilla
-Sindicat Agricola de Falset
-Sindicat Agricola de Llorenç del Penedès
-Sindicat Agricola de Miralcamp
-Sindicat Agricola de Moja
-Sindicat Agricola de Pinell de Brai

-Sindicat Agricola de Pira
-Sindicat Agricola de Sant Isidre de Nulles
-Sindicat Agricola de Soleràs
-Sindicat Agricola de Torregrossa
-Sindicat Agricola de Vilallonga del Camp
-Sindicat Agricola d’Ulldecona
-Sindicat Agricola i Caixa Rural de Cornudella de Montsant
-Sindicat Agricola i Caixa Rural de l’Albí
-Sindicat Agricola i Caixa Rural d’Ivars d’Urgell
-Sindicat Agricola i Caixa Rural de Palau d’Anglesola
-Sindicat “Arbeca Nova” d’Arbeca
-Sindicat de Cooperativa Agricola de Gandesa
-Sindicat de viicultors de Montblanc
-Sindicat “l’Oliva Arbequina” d’Arbeca
-Societat Agricola La Practica d’Albatàrrec


Born in Valls (Alt Camp) in 1888.
He finished his architecture studies in 1916 in Barcelona.
In 1923 he was designated Dean of Barcelona architects College and also named Professor and Secretary of the Escola d’Arts i Oficis of Barcelona (Art and offices school) in 1929.
He was one of the founders of the Centre d’Estudis Gaudinistes (Gaudinist studies Center) in 1952.
Martorell was also a writer contributing to different publications, such as Revista de Catalunya, Destino, La Vanguardia, and others.
He was also the author of an important quantity of books mainly on architecture, including “Arquitectura i escultura barroca a Catalunya”, “Gaudí: su vida, su teoría, su obra”, and, together with other writers, “Construcciones agrarias en Cataluña” on a question on which he was an expert. During his life he effectively planned and built nearly 40 cellars and other agricultural constructions which, due to their magnificence, are known as Wine Cathedrals.
Martinell not only designed the buildings themselves but also organized their internal spaces to increase production, and designed their stores and machinery distribution.
His style is normally classified as Art Nouveau but with influences of Noucentisme (the style following the Art Nouveau in Catalonia). This is evident in the buildings where he used profusely the Catalan “totxo” (brick) around the windows, and columns and ceramics for decoration.
Cèsar Martinell died on 19 November 1973.

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on Cèsar Martinell i Brunet”>


on Cèsar Martinell i Brunet

Title of book Author Published by Year
El celler del
Pinell i l’obra d’en Cèsar Martinell
Ber i Sabaté,
Cèsar Martinell
Cèsar Martinell Lacuesta,
Raquel; Llorens, Josep I. de
Col.legi Oficial
d’Arquitectes de Catalunya