Joan Llimona i Bruguera (1860-1926)

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Painting

Basic works

Crist venç (Christ win)
Dalt del terrat (In the terrace 1891)
Tornant del tros (Coming from the plot 1896)
L’Última Pasqua (The last Easter 1895)
Monumental painting:
Vault in Montserrat Monastery
Frieze in the church of Las hermanitas de los pobres (Vic)
Canopy in Ripoll (destroyed in 1936)
Dome of Carmelites church (Vic)
Dining room in House Recolons (Barcelona)


Born in Barcelona in 1860 in a family of artísts, his brother Josep was a also famous Art Nouveau sculptor.
J. Llimona abandoned his studies of architecture and engineering by the painting that he improved in the school of Llotja of Barcelona and later in Rome where he accompanied his brother, awarded with a Pension to perfection his knowledges in sculpture in this city. Already since 1882 he participated in some collective expositions in Barcelona, culminating in 1890 in an exposition in the Sala with an enormous success.
Deeply influenced by its militant Catholicism – that carried to a clash with the Catalan Art Nouveau writer Raimon Casellas -, he painted various religious works of that content – “Crist Venç” (Christ conquers), different paintings in the “Cercle Artistic of Sant Lluc”, decoration of a vault in the Monastery of Montserrat, a frieze of the Church of “The sisters of poor people”, the dome of the Church of the “Carmelites” both in Vic, the canopy of Ripoll (destroyed in 1936) and other in Barcelona, Bràfim, etc.
Toward 1905 his painting is influenced by the symbolism, always of religious base, this is visible on the painting of the dining room of the House Recolons of Barcelona.
He published diverse articles in several publications of Barcelona as “La veu de Catalunya” (The voice of Catalonia), “The Barretina”, “Catalunya social” (Social Catalonia) and other, almost always on esthetic themes related to his stiff concept of the sexual moral and against the blasphemy.
He was member of the “LLiga del bon mot”, literally – League of the good word – and of “Foment de la pietat Catalana”, associations defending a stiff and conservative concept of moral. He was also cofounder with his brother and other noticeable artists of the moment of the “Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc” (already mentioned higher), an important center of diffusion of the traditional catholic moral in the art, who continues very active currently.
Joan Llimona i Bruguera died in 1926 in Barcelona.


Vault in Montserrat Monastery

Specific Bibliography

on Joan Llimona i Brugera

Title Author Published by
 Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc cent anys  Different authors  Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Cultura


Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana Different Authors Enciclopèdia Catalana
Enciclopèdia Salvat Català Different authors Edicions Salvat
 1893 Cent Sant Deu Lluc Anys 2003  Different authors  Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc 2003
Josep Llimona y Joan Llimona, Vida y Obra Infiesta Monterde, Josep M Edicions de Nou Art Thor 1977

Other Catalan Art Nouveau Painters

-Hermen ANGLADA i Camarassa -Joan BRULL i Vinyoles -Ricard Canals -Agapit Casas i Abarca -Ramón CASAS i Carbó -Josep CUSACHS -Manuel Cusí
-Xavier Gosé i Rovira -Sebastiá Junyent -Joan Llimona i Bruguera -Josep Maria Marqués -Francesc MASRIERA i Manovens -Josep MASRIERA I Manovens -Lluis MASRIERA i Rosés -Eliseu MEIFRÈN i Roig -Joaquim MIR i Trinxet -Francesc Miralles -Isidre NONELL i Monturiol -Marià PIDELASERRA i Brias -Josep Pinós i Comes -Josep Reynés -Alexandre Riquer i Ynglada -Pau Roig i Sisa -Santiago RUSIÑOL i Prats -Antoni Serra i Fiter -Josep Maria Tamburini -Modest Urgell -Miquel UTRILLO i Morlius -Lluïsa VIDAL i Puig -Pere Ysern i Alié