Cemetery of Arenys de Mar

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Funerary Art Nouveau, Special Areas

Basic information:

Location: Camí de la Pietat, s/n., Arenys de Mar (Maresme).
Qualification: x (1 on 5)
Present condition: Both the cemetery and pantheons are in Good condition
Visits: from May to September, Tuesday to Saturday from 9 to 13h. and 17 to 19h., Sunday and holidays from 9 to 14h. Mondays closed. From October to April, Tuesday to Saturday from 9 to 13h. and 16 to 18h., Sunday and holidays from 9 to 14h., Monday closed.


The Pantheon of Iu Bosch
Two Sculptures of Llimona
One Sculpture of V. Vallmitjana

History and description:

This is the famous cemetery of Sinera, mentioned by the prestigious Catalan poet Salvador Espriu in his poem “El cementiri de Sinera” – The Sinera cemetery – and where he is buried.
Inside we can look some interesting pantheons in various styles and specially some interesting examples of funerary Art Nouveau buildings, as the pantheon of Iu Bosch, a work of the architect Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia and other pantheons, together with various beautiful sculptures of Josep Llimona i Bruguera and Venanci Vallmitjana.

Other Art Nouveau Funerary works:

Cemetery of Arenys de Mar Cemetery of Barcelona   Cemetery of Cardedeu   Cemetery of Lloret de Mar   Cemetery of Olius   Cemetery of Sitges   Cemetery of Comillas