Josep Puig i Cadafalch – Amatller House

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Josep Puig I Cadafalch

Basic information

Location: Passeig de Gracia, 41 Barcelona
Qualification: xxxx (4 on 5)
Present condition: Outside Very good, Inside Acceptable.
How to go to: Buses: 7, 16, 17, 22, 24, 28
Metro: L2, L3, L4 (Passeig de Gràcia)
Visits: Only allowed on the ground floor.
Ruta del Modernisme


History and description

The façade of this house shows the different inspiration sources of the architect Puig i Cadafalch: Catalan neo gothic in windows and gallery and Flämish for the general “air” specially visible on the top remembering the houses of XVIIIth. century in Amsterdam (following Permanyer and Cirici) along the channels. Nevertheless that variety of sources is not a problem in order to show a uniform style.
The house has two asymmetric doors who are bundled by a Saint Jorge statue, a work of the sculptor Eusebi Arnau.
The magnificent great balcony on the first floor had been made in forged iron by the manufacturer Manuel Ballarín.
The ceramic pieces on the top where manufactured by Torres Mauri and Pujol i Baucis
This is a private building and it is only possible to visit the ground plan, where it is a Tourist Office (see Visits) devoted to Art Nouveau in Barcelona.

Technical Card

List of architects, sculptors, painters and craftsmen working in that building

Architect: Josep Puig i Cadafalch
Bronze: Masriera i Campins
Carpenters: Casas i Bardés
Esteve Andorrà
Ceramics: Torres Mauri
Pujol i Bausis
Forged iron: Manel Ballarín
Furniture: Gaspar Homar
Sculpture: Eusebi Arnau
Alfons Jujo




Specific Bibliography

on Casa Amatller

Title of the book Author Published by Year
Puig i Cadafalch Bassegoda Nonell,
Edicions de Nou
Art Thor
Puig i Cadafalch,
L’arquitectura entre la casa i la ciutat
Fundació La Caixa /
Col·legi Arquitectes Barcelona Balears
El Quadrat d’Or.
Centre de la Barcelona modernista
Garcia-Espuche, A OCSA-Lunwerg 1990
modernista en Cataluña
Lacuesta,R /
Editorial Gustavo
Un passeig per la
Barcelona modernista
Permanyer, Ll /


In Barcelona: -Amatller House-Company HouseMacaya House -Marti House (Els 4 gats)-Muley-Afid House-Muntades House-Punxes House -Sastre Marquès House-Casaramona FactorySerra HouseBaró de Quadras Palace -Pastor de Cruïlles Villa
In Argentona: Garí House -Puig i Cadafalch House
In Canet de Mar: Restaurant del Santuari-Fàbrica Carbonell Reverter-Font Pública, Passeig Mare de Deu de la Misericòrdia / C. J. Mora-Font Pública, Plaça Barris-Font Pública del Parc del Santuari-Primer Misteri de Dolor del Rosari Monumental del Santuari de la Misericòrdia-Cinquè Misteri de Dolor del Rosari Monumental del Santuari de la Misericòrdia-Placa del carrer Carles Pasqual i Puig
In La Garriga:-Furriols House
In Lloret: Boundary cross-Verge de Gracia shrine-Costa Pantheon – Cemetery
In Mataró
: City Hall-Coll I Regàs House-Parera House-Sisternes House -El Rengle –La Beneficiència
In Sant Sadurní d’Anoia: Caves Codorniu