Raimon Casellas i Dou (1855-1910)

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Literature


La damisel·la santa – 1894
Els sots feréstecs – 1901
Les multituds – 1906
Llibre d’històries – 1909

Painting history
La pintura gótica catalana
del siglo XV – 1892
Història documental de la
pintura catalana – 1905
Estudis diversos sobre
pintors del segle XVIII:
Els Tremulles
El dibuixant païsista Lluís
Rigalt – 1900

Art critique
Etapes estètiques – 1910


Born in Barcelona in the year 1855.
He studied in the Barcelona Catholic Seminar, but due to the dead of his parents, from 1872 he take in charge the familial dry cleaner’s business. From 1881, he is redactor in the magazine “L’Avenç”. From 1882 as art redactor of the journal “La Vanguardia” he start his activity as theoretic of Modernisme (Art Nouveau) together with other artists like Rusiñol and Casas. In this way, he took part in the Festes Modernistes (Art Nouveau fests) in Sitges. A result of this first part of his work is the novel “La damisel.la santa” in 1894. From 1899 he is the chief redactor of the journal “La Veu de Catalunya”.
In 1901he wrote his most known novel “Els sots feréstecs” who made a strong effect on literary modernist circles and is considered one of the masterpieces of Catalan literary Art Nouveau, and at the same time, one of the first examples of rural novel developed during the Art Nouveau period.
He was also collaborator of other cultural magazines as “Hispania”, Catalònia”, “Empori”, “L’Esquella de la Torratxa” and others.
Casellas also wrote two collection of tales, “Les multituds” on collective psychology in 1906 and “Llibre d’histories” with an ironic view on social customs and manners in 1909.
Finally, Casellas wrote also some non published books on Catalan painting history.
From 1909, after the “Setmana tràgica” – a short revolutionary period held in Barcelona during the levies for the war in Morocco – he became depressed and ended his own life in 1910, in Sant Joan de les Abadesses – Ripollès.


on Raimon Casellas i Dou

Title of the book Author Published by Year
Raimon Casellas i el Modernisme Castellanos, Jordi Curial / Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat 1992
Els pre-rafaelites a Catalunya Cerdà i Surroca, Mª Angels Curial 1981
Gran enciclopèdia catalana Different authors Enciclopèdia Catalana  
La prosa modernista: un concepte polièdric Julià, Lluïsa Lletra – UOC – Espai virtual de literatura catalana  
Aspectes del Modernisme Marfany, Joan Lluís Curial 1975
Historia de la Literatura catalana, El Modernisme, vol 8. Molas, Joaquim / de Riquer, Martí Editorial Ariel 1985
Dotze mestres Serrahima, Maurici Destino 1972
El primer modernismo literario catalán y sus fundamentos ideológicos Valentí, Eduard Editorial Ariel 1972

Other Catalan Art Nouveau Writers:

Caterina Albert i Paradís Prudenci Bertrana  Jaume Brossa i Roger Raimon Casellas i Dou  Ignasi Iglesias i Pujades Pompeu Gener  Adrià Gual i Queralt Hortensi Güell  Antoni Isern  Albert Llanas  Joan Maragall i Gorina  Alfons Maseras i Galtés Jaume Massó i Torrents  Apel·les Mestres i Oñós 
Rafael Nogueras i Ollé  Miquel de Palol Josep Pin i Soler  Josep Pons i Pagès Pere Prat i Gaballí  Joan Puig i Ferrater Alexandre Riquer i Ynglada  Santiago Rusiñol i Prats  Joaquim Ruyra i Oms Maria Antònia Salvà  Víctor Català
(see Caterina Albert) 
Plàcid Vidal i Rosich  Jeroni Zanné i Rodríguez